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Barb/Nicky Pisano's MOM
For death is no more than a turning of us over from time to eternity. ~Willi am Penn.Love to you Wendy/Sarah
charity austin & aaron's mommy
Happy father's day Kevin. I know you will be with Sarah today. Happy father's day to your dad as well, send him your love.
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
*KEVIN*"I will never forget you,I have carved you on the palm of my hand.I will never forget my own"Isaiah 49.
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
*KEVIN*Sometimes the way home is love n sometimes the way home is not just love but loving each other(Mattie Stepanek)
cindi dana regans mom
Good morning Kevin i shed some tears today and felt an angel wipe it away Thank you.. hugs and kisses over the rainbow ^j^
Donna Mom to Angie Robert
Hi Kevin, Wendy is doing so much for Brain Aneryrism and I'm sure she's helped many people become aware. Hugs
Precious Angel sending hugs to you in Heaven above and prayers to your family who miss you so very much!!
Mom to Angel Justin Lindley
Those whom we have cherished live on forever for love wraps itself around the heart. ((Wendy & Sarah))
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
"May be someday we will all join hands n live together,helping each other,loving each other."(Ange l Mattie Stepanek)
Onesima~Mom To ^Y^ Dino Raponi
Beloved Kavin you are never forgotten, remembered every day and forever treasured in the hearts of all who love & miss you. xo
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
Friends are like angels, Without any wings; Blessing our lives, With the most precious things.
Margaret Buonpane
A silent thought, a secret tear, keeps your memory ever dear. Time eases the edge of grief, memory turns back every leaf.
Barb/Nicky's MOM
Today is Logan Bradlee Berg's 1st Angelversary.Pls light as many candles as you can for him,the family hopes to reach 1,000.
Wendy&Sarah 4ever your Family
Kevin I never forget I think of you everyday you are always on my mind i will love you forever honey i miss you so much Love Wendy
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
*KEVIN*"You are with me like a handprint on my heart"(Wendi/Sarah)
Edwina~Troy's mum
Tucked safely in our hearts-- where forever you will be-- cherished each and every day-- and for all eternity
Barb/Nicky's MOM
Our Creator would never have made such lovely days,and given us the deep hearts to enjoy them,unless we were meant to be immortal.
vince heuerman
Goodnight dear angel Kevin. Stay close to Wendy and Sarah. Hugs!
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
We ask that life be kind,& watch us from above.We hope each soul will find another soul to love.*KEVIN*
Charity Austin & Aaron's mommy
Thinking of you Kevin, Wendy and Sarah. Have a peaceful day.
PatrickJay/Grd Mama
*KEVIN*"When shadows fill our day,give us faith so we'll be safe"(Wendi*Sarah)
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
I pray we'll find your light,& hold it in our hearts.When stars go out each night,eternal light will shine".*KEVIN*
Cindy~B.J., Wayne & Bucks Mama
♥ You're so close to my heart that I can almost reach out and touch you. ♥
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
Let this be our prayer,when we lose our way.Lead us to a place,guide us with your grace to a place where we'll be safe"
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