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Cindy~B.J., Wayne & Bucks Mama
Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which we find ourselves trying to get around in the daytime, and falling in at nigh
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
~Wendi~Sarah~"Encouraged yourselves daily while it is still "to day".Heb 3:12*KEVIN*
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
We wish we could have saved u from never needing breath for birthday candles,but we remember it happened anyway.+Mattie Stepanek+
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
The way home is love,the way home is loving each other. The way home is every good thing that God told us to do+ Mattie Stepanek+
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
*KEVIN*" You are in heaven clothed with glory,robed in light as with a cloak"Ps 104-1.Have a beautiful day
Onesima~mom To ^Y^ Dino Raponi
Wishing you Kevin and Wendy, Sarah a safe, blessed and peaceful 4th of July. Fly close & warm their hearts. GB Hugs Wendy
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Happy 4th of July Kevin in Heaven above and to u Wendy and all the family..Have a nice day & God Bless..
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
KEVIN*Personal peace can spread within & between families,then communities,then around the world(Angel Mattie Stepanek)
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
Someday the world'll be a rushing river of peace,a loving circle that nothing can break(Mattie Stepanek died of M.D at 13)
I Love U
Barb/Nicky Pisano's MOM
Hello handsome angel.I light this candle in remembrence of you.Like a candle in the wind only one that never blows out
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
*KEVIN*"Your heart unfold before your God like flowers opening to the sun above"Have a beautiful day.(Wendi*Sarah)
PatrickJay/Grd Mama
"We shall live in houses we build & eat fruit of the vineyards we plant.The things of the past shall nt be remembered"
Laura & AV Fam of Lisa Maas
Just stoppin by to say good morning 2 my fav angels. Sorry it has been so long but u r always in r ♥'s & Never 4gotten♥
Cindy~B.J., Wayne & Bucks Mama
He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. Ps. 147:3 Heal our hearts Lord...in Jesus name.
Edwina~Troy's mum/Shaun's aunt
A Life that touches the Hearts of Others Goes on Forever. You are forever loved precious angel Kevin ~Hugs Wendi and Sarah
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
"No longer shall the sound of weeping be heard or the sound of crying;His people will be a delight"IS.6 5 -19*KEVIN*
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
"The things of the past shall not be remembered.There shall be rejoicing & happiness"Is .65-17*KEVIN*
cindi dana regans mom
Good night precious Kevin u are always in my heart i will write ur name at the top of the sand castle and show it off to the stars
Onesima~Mom To ^Y^ Dino Raponi
Lighting this candle in yopur precious memory Keavin, fly close to your girls, you are 4ever missed & loved. Hugs..
Margaret Buonpane
Loved with a love beyond telling, Missed with a grief beyond all tears.
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
We need not fear the terror of the night nor the arrow that flies by day for our angels will guard us in all our ways.*KEVIN*
Diane Angel Mom~Katie Cassidy
Precious Angel sending hugs to you in Heaven above and prayers to your family who loves & misses you so very much!!
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
*KEVIN*Rain down your love on us".(Wendi/Sarah)
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