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mom 2 Waylon Kitchens Heaven's angels June 13, 2009


The warm Rays you feel everyday are not just sunshine...

But, the touch of the Angels who want to let you know,

they are watching over you!

~Hugs~ & ~God Bless~

Mom to Angel Melissa Platt Prayers June 12, 2009
Teresa Mom to Angel Justin Lindley June 12, 2009
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens Happy Thursday June 11, 2009
windy miller Remembering your Angel Date June 11, 2009

Thinking of you Kevin, Wendy and Sarah. May Kevin's loving        memories warm your hearts.

Terri♥Mom 2 angel Brent Bowden Thinking of You♥ June 11, 2009
Lupe Lopez, Gabe's mom Always in my thoughts & prayers June 9, 2009

Margaret Buonpane Thinking of you June 9, 2009


mom 2 Waylon Kitchens Good night June 8, 2009

Go to sleep my angel and dream
Of heavenly places and heavenly faces
You shall be missed, my angel but rest in peace
In this world you could easily get hurt
Don't fret my angel you are safe in God's arms
He will take care of you
And will always be with you
Mortal dreams of riches, but my angel
You are rich for eternal life
So sleep now angel you are full of love and beauty
We will all be with you soon
Sweet dreams my angel
When you wake up you'll know that
Your dreams have come true



Jo-Ann Pacenta~Lauren's mom Thinking of you June 8, 2009


Angela , Nicky wrate's mum Thank -you June 7, 2009

Dear Wendy.

Just to let you know that you are so kind to think of my son .

You always lite candles for him which is lovely and so kind.

I know that your own grief with loosing your Kevin, is so just unbearable.

life must be hard, as it is with the loss of someone so special and loving like your Kevin.

Remember , that Kevin is always near .

Kevin ,you and Sarah are always in my thoughts .

Many blessings are sent your way.

love and hugs Angela Nickys mum.xoxoxoxoxo



Mom to Angel Melissa Platt God Bless You June 7, 2009
Charity & Tim (Austin Shanks) Thinking of you June 5, 2009

Mom to Angel Melissa Platt Thinking of You June 3, 2009
Lupe Lopez, Gabe's mom Warm hugs to you Wendy & Sarah xo June 2, 2009

The Twin's & Micheal's Mommy ( Scatto ) June 1, 2009

Twins & Micheals Mom (Scatto) Thinking of You and your Family... May 30, 2009
Susie/Scott's mom Thinking of you today and always May 29, 2009

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