
I am keeping all who love and miss dear Kevin in
my thoughts and prayers especially his precious family
Wendy and Sarah.
I pray you find some comfort in knowing that others care
and will help to keep Kevins memory alive forever.
As your angel date approaches, know that you are forever in my thoughts and prayers!

A candlelight glows in memory,
Of the love we still hold.
A life that touched so many,
Treasured gifts as memories unfold.
Our eyes well up with tears,
As we try to be strong.
Yet throughout our remaining years,
For their love we will long.
If we could just remember,
The Lord reaches out His hand.
He'll walk with us forever-
Help our hearts to understand.
Trusting Him to take our sorrow,
Faith He will see us through.
Will guide us towards tomorrow,
Filled with His blessings too.
So honor your precious loved one,
With the candlelight a glow.
Knowing your healing has begun,
As your teardrops gently flow.

Hi, Just wanted to stop by and let you know
I am going to Bermuda and will be gone 4
almost 2 weeks, so I want be able to
light candles. But, know that you and your
family will be in my thoughts and prayers!!
~Sending my Love with Hugs~
angel....Waylon Kitchens' mom.....Kimberly

Thank you for you: for who you are,
However far away;
And for the words you send to me,
Your thoughtfulness and for what you say.
Yet thinking much of us,
Opens up my happiness,
Not only do you touch my heart,
But also that of Jesus.
I have been unable to light candles for your angel these days, I am facing some challenges in my life now, as soon as I get back up, I will light candles. Please know that you, your family and your precious Angel are always in my prayers. Thank you for keeping my Gabriel in your thoughts; and thank you for the precious graphics.
God Bless you. ((Wendy & Sarah))