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Dianne/mom of Nicholas White
May every day bring a new adventure & blessings of a miracle as you continue to grow & learn in the heavens above
Helena. Mum of Angel Hannah Card.xx.
Angels up above us, Angels all around us, sending down their love from the Heavens up above. Love to Wendy and Sarah.xxxxx.
Waylon's mom
Sending lots of love ur way! Have a blessed night! sweet dreams! xoxoxoxoxo's
Nicki Queen Angels Brian&Josh
Good night sweet Kevin, sending all my love to you and your girls. God Bless.
Karen Mom to angel Kassie Hall
G-nite handsone kevin, if i had a single flower 4 every time i think of u, i could walk f/e in my garden. hugs wendy & sarah ♥
Randy/ Jamie Munoz's husband
Goodnight Kevin. Hope the days are beautiful in heaven for you and all of our angels. Reach down and give Wendy angel kisses 2 nit
F/ever mom to my Angel V.Borg
Good Night Kevin Visit Your Loving Wendy and Lovely Sarah in thier dreams.Forever Young!!Hugs xoxo
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Sad are the hearts that loved you..Silent the tears that fall..Living our life without our Angels..Is the hardest part of all..xo
I love you Kevin Love Sarah
Kevin special friends lunch at school is comming up I wish we could do it like the last three years you me and mom at my school
Silent thoughts, tears unseen, wishing your absence was only a dream, Kevin I think of you 24/7 my memory of U are so precious♥♥
connie aunt 2 angel sammy pepe
Thinking of u and ur family as the season changes. never 2 far from our thoughts. have a beautiful day in heaven. gbless
Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~
When you feel a gentle breeze, Caress you when you sigh, It's a hug sent from Heaven, From Kevin way up high. Big Hugs W / S
Patrick Jay* Grand Mama
Dear*Kevin*.You rest in the meadows of faithfulness & love.You walk by the quiet waters of peace.God bless you*Wendy*Sarah*
Ryan Dahn's Mom
Love lives forever with our memories,through our dreams,& in our hearts. Hugs to you & ur girls
Bonnie Graves Kenny's mom
Thinking of you Kevin & all that love & miss you so much big guy God Bless all xoxo
Dessa Smith Joseph's mom
Kevin, sending big hugs and love to you and to your family today and always. God Bless
F/ever mom to Angel V.Borg
God holds Kevin closer to Him than ever before as an Angel above watching over all who Love & Miss Kevin.God Bless xo
Good morning Kevin I miss U I had a dream last night about U Why did U die L♥ve U Wendy & Sarah (she misses you so bad Kevin)
Gayle mom to Jordan Spencer
Good morning Kevin, Hugs and prayers sent to you and your family on this beautiful Spring day.
Karen Allen (Megan's Mom)
Wow a Harley lover! I know you miss him terribly. Hold on to those memories. No one will ever take them from you. Praying for you
Melissa Eiler
May God be with you and yours now and forever Kevin. God Bless You. HUGS!!
Norma-Christopher Schupp's Mom
Sending u hugs this morning. You & your family r in my prayers everyday. Whisper in their ear today; they hear you! Stay close
Dianne/mom of Nicholas White
We're so thankful for the time we had & the love we shared as we embrace precious memories until we meet again
Helena. Mum of Angel Hannah Card.xx.
I wrote your name in the sand but the water washed it away, I wrote your name in my heart and forever it will stay.
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