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"Face to Face, oh blissful moment; Face 2 Face to see & 2 know, Face to Face with our Redeemer Who truly loves us So~GB
Patrick Jay* Grand Mama
Because of Hope we all survive because we all keep Hope alive.God bless your angel*Kevin*.
I miss u kevin mom and lovie miss u 2 i wish so bad u never died i wish we all had more time with u i l♥ve u kevin l♥ve sarah ♥♥♥
F/ever Family to Angel V.Borg
So great are the ties that binds us together,when one is lost all are sad.Love & Prayers xoxo
Joan "Dylan's Mom"
Goodmorning Kevin. Sending my love to you and your Girls, Keeping you all close to my Heart and in my prayers each day.
Dianne/mom of Nicholas White
Where ever you go whatever you do may your angel be near sending you signs of hope to brighten your day
Helena. Mum of Hannah Card.xx.
You are my sun when its dull, you are my star when night comes, my Angel above me, forever my sun.xxxxx.
Baby Eli's Mommy
Lady always thinking of you. Continue shinning bright for her and let her know you are always there with her ((Wendy))
Baby Eli's Mommy
Sweet Dreams Kevin, Thinking of you and your sweet Wendy and Sarah ofcourse =) you are such a special Angel to have a lovely...
Kevin I love you so very very much and alway will you are like a Tattoo on my Heart you will never go away you are there to stay
Mom to Angel Melissa Platt
The gates of memory never close, how we miss you no one knows,no longer in our lives to share, but in our hearts your always there
Waylon's mom
Sending love, hugs & kisses ur way 2 say hope u have a wonderful day filled with all the things u love the most! XOXOXO's
Lupe Lopez, Gabe's mom
Good morning Kevin. A little tribute small & tender, just to say we still remember. (Sending warm hugs 2 U Wendy & Sarah)
Dessa Smith Joseph's mom
Goodmorning Kevin, sitting here thinking of you and your precious family today and always.
Melissa Eiler
Hi Kevin, stopping by to let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers. May God forever Bless You & yours. HUGS!
F/ever Family to Angel V.Borg
God has not promised Sun without Rain, Joy without Sorrow, Peace without Pain. But God has promised Strength for the day.RIP Angel
Dianne/mom of Nicholas White
Praying you sprinkle stardust upon Wendy as she drifts off to Dreamland in search of you & of making precious memories
Helena. Mum of Angel Hannah Card.xx.
You are there to hold my hand through my darkest hours, then the sun comes up again and you are one of Heaven's flowers.xxxxx.
Kevin yesterday was special friends day at school mom came yesterday we had lunch together I know you were wth us at my school
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
Today, someone is thinkin of you, caring about you and keeping you close 2 their heart! That someone is ME! ~Hugs~
Barb/Nicky's MOM
Forever loved and missed our sweet angels r never forgotten.Rest in Our Lord's precious arms.Love Always and God Bless Kevin
Kevin The greatest gift is not found in a store or under a tree, but in the memories that you left for me Love Wendy and Sarah♥♥
Burmester Family(Kirsty Angel)
Sending love to your Family,Thankyou for always being there. Love Carol(Kirsty'sMum) ^I^oxoxox^I^
Cindy~B.J.,Wayne & Bucks Mama
Lord please let every tear that falls wash away a little of the hurt and pain and send joy to take it's place.
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