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Family of Joe Docherty
Until forever and beyond, the memories will go on. Never to be forgotten. Hugs for ((((Wendy & Sarah))).
Kevin tomorrow is Sarah Birthday Please give her a sign she Misses U so much and so do I we love U forever Love Wendy and Sarah
Melissa Eiler
Keeping your memory alive with this candle, God Bless You today & always Angel. HUGS!
Mary Josh's mom
You live on forever in the hearts of those who love you so~Sending lots of love and hugs to you and your beautiful family
Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen)
What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us. xxxx
Helena. Mum of Hannah Card.xx.
As I light this candle for you so special and loved, I know that you can see its flame in Heaven up above.xxxxx.
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Kevin may u have sweet dreams tonight & may God be by your side tonight & always..Hugs to u Wendy & Sarah sweet dreams
Angel James Burnette's Sis
Goodnight sweet Angel, thinking of you and your loved ones today and always. God Bless.
Barb/Nicky's MOM to: Kevin
And ye now therefore have sorrow but I will see you again,and your heart shall rejoice,and your joy no man taketh from you.Love Ya
Remembering you and precious your family sending hugs love and kisses to you
Waylon's mom
I'm sending you loads of love...Just smile as you go thru your day, knowing ur in my thoughts! Have a blessed day Kevin!
Kathy ~ Ryan Dahn's Mom
As you live on in Heaven precious angel,You will live on in our hearts. Hugs to you & your girls
Patrick Jay*Grand Mama
Humility with charity an honored way to give,a gift from your sincerity that helps another live.Love to u dear*Kevin*Wendy*Sarah*
Lupe Lopez, Gabe's mom
I said a prayer 4 U today, God must have heard, I felt the answer in my heart, although He spoke no word. ~Hugs Sarah & Wendy~
Mom to Angel Justin Lindley
May the warmth of your angel's light comfort and illuminate the world today and brighten the corners of your heart.
Susie mom of Scott McDaniels
Good morning Kevin. I know your day will be filled with riding your Harley. God Bless you and Wendy and Sarah. Hugs.
Angela Angel Steven Sutton
Dear angel kevin, my the lord be with you and your family lots of love angie and late-steve xx
Melissa Eiler
Thinking of you special Angel & thanking God for allowing our paths to cross. Sending my love to you & yours. HUGS!
Kevin if I could have one wish do you know what it would be? For y♥u to be here on earth with me for all eternity love Wendy
Helena. Mum of Angel Hannah Card.xx.
Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart.
Dianne/mom of Nicholas White
Your angel is never more than a heart beat away hearing ur words, feeling your love & praying peace will ease your sorrow
Cindy~B.J., Wayne & Bucks Mama
If I could have but one dream to come true...*sigh* Missing you always.
cindi dana regans mom
Good nite angel fly across our dreams tonite and whisper in our ears i love you so our heart can beat again...hugs </3
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Kevin may all your dreams come true in Heaven..Memory's of u we hold very precious in our Heart..God Bless you all..xo
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