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*Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
"A special angel full of grace,a smile on your beautiful face,sprinkling your love from place to place."Luv u*KEVIN*
F/ever Family to Angel V.Borg
Lighting Your Candle with lots of LOVE,sweet dreams to You Angel in Heaven above xoxo
Cindy~B.J., Wayne & Bucks Mama
Hey there Kevin I just wanted to say hi and leave you lots of l♥ve and hugs. Share with your sweet Wendy & Sarah!
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Our Angels are always with us in our hearts and minds and especially for Labor Day weekend..Wendy and Sarah have a nice weekend..
Randi-Mark's Mom
You live in the hearts of all who love and miss you. Have a beautiful weekend sweet angel Kevin
Shaun's family
Somewhere over the rainbow. Our Angels sleep and rest. We feel them close when we are low. Our Angels are the best.
Edwina~Troy's mum
If I could have some angel dust, To make my dreams come true, I`d take it with me in my sleep, So I could dream of you. xoxo
Donna Mom to Angie Robert
Kevin you left so many people with broken hearts, yet the cracks and holes are filled with so many loving thoughts of you Hugs xo
Helena. Mum of Angel Hannah Card.xx.
Beautiful memories tell our story, and wrap themselves in ribbons of the heart.
Hi kevin though you are not here physically there is a hug inmy heart which i am sending to you wendy and sarah
*Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
"I will close ur wounds n give them health.I will cure them.I will reveal 2 u the prayer of peace n truth.Jerem.33:6*Kevin*
Jo-Ann~ Lauren Pacenta's mom
May ur precious Kevin walk in ur every step, kiss ur every breath & forever watch over u, know that he is near
♥♥ continued ♥♥
From Garrett's site and let me know how your doing ♥♥♥ Angel Friend's always....
Windy mom2^J^Garrett Harris
Good morning Kevin, stopping by to say your on my mind. Keep close to Wendy & Sarah they need you. Wendy e-mail me from
★⊰ღWendy Forever SoulMateღ⊱★
I Miss You Real Bad Kevin The days still hurts as bad as the day you died and I found you dead I only wish I could turn back Time
Helena. Mum of Hannah Card.xx.
In my heart you will always stay, loved and remembered every day. Love Helena.xx.
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
Love reveals The hurt within, When loss has come And life seems dim, God understands! ~Hugs 2 U~
Dessa Joseph Smith's mom
Words can’t heal the pain of losing you, I pray God gives your family strength. ((Hugs))
Diane Angel Mom~Katie Cassidy
Precious Angel sending hugs to you in Heaven above and prayers to your family who misses you so very much!!
Gerry, Joe Docherty's wife
Listen closely to the winds and hear the gentle whisper of your angel's wings in flight when she comes to visit.
*Pstrick Jay*Grd Mama
"Cry to me & I will hear u;I will show u great things & sure things which u know not"Jeremias 33:3.(*KEVIN*)
Burmester Family(kirsty Angel)
Sending Love to you & Wendy & Sarah. Thankyou 4 always being there for us. Love always Carol & Family ^I^oxo
F/ever Family to Angel V.Borg
Kevin fold Your wings around Your Loved Ones & Guard them with Your Love & softly whisper from Heaven above xoxo
Kevin I AM in 5th grade and I love my teacher she is so nice only my 2nd day but it is going really good and I am happy in school
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