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Sarah Tilley
Good Night Kevin I Love you
Diane Angel Mom Katie Cassidy
Kevin please send your loving Wendy alot of extra Angel Hugs and sweet dreams of you!!
Cindy~B.J., Wayne & Bucks Mama
Thinking of you is easy, I do it every day. Missing you is the heartache, that never goes away.
♥♥Wendy ♥♥
Roses are red,♥ Violets are blue,♥ I didn't start living,♥ Until I met you♥ I Miss You so Much Kevin
WendyYour Soulmate 4 Eternity♥
R♥ses are red Vi♥ltes are blue N♥thing in this w♥rld C♥uld keep me from l♥ving y♥u I L♥VE Y♥VE Y♥U Kevin
WendyYour Soulmate 4 Eternity♥
My heart still aches in sadness & secret tears still flow What it meant to lose YOU know ONE will ever know Love Wendy ♥♥
Joan "Dylan's Mom"
Kevin thinking about you and your precious girls (Wendy & Sarah) today and everyday.
cindi dana regans mom
Good morning angel bring some sunlight into all those who miss you sending angel hugs to you and ur family^j^
Micheal & Twin's Scatto (Mom)
God understand our prayers even when we can't find the words to say them.Love to u & ur family.May God give you comfort.
F/ever Family to Angel V.Borg
Dear Sweet Kevin please know that we think about You and Your Special Family everyday with Love and Prayers xoxo
Mom to Angel Justin Lindley
You may be out of sight, We may be worlds apart, But you are always in our minds And forever in our hearts.
Rose grma to Brittany Syfert
Loved with a love beyond all feeling, Missed with a grief beyond all tears
Sarah Tilley♥
Good night Kevin I miss U very much Mom and went 2 visit U yesterday we left U some pennys can U leave me some penny love U Sarah
*Patrick Jay*Grand Mama
Angels from the realms of glory,wing your flight over the earth."*KEVIN*
WendyYour Soulmate 4 Eternity♥
I Miss U Kevin it is getting harder knowing your 50th birthday is around the corner and we will not be 2gether I Love U LUV Wendy
Hi handsome i missed seeing the face of my angel please give wendy and sarah a hug for me toniight in their dreams
vince heuerman
A blessed sunday to you, precious Kevin. Hugs.
Sarah Tilley
I Love You Love Sarah ♥♥
Judie Smart
May the joy of knowing that your loved one is in God's hands comfort you & ease your pain until we all meet again ♥♥
WendyYour Soulmate 4 Eternity♥
I miss you so much I Kevin Love you Kevin Love Wendy
Sarah - Angels Melissa Rieger
Thinking of you dear Angel and praying for your family that loves and misses you so much
*Patrick Jay*Grand Mama
God sends friends 2 enlarge our hearts with kindly affections.My soul blesses God each day 2 have given me,YOU*KEVIN*
connie aunt 2 angel sammy pepe
Sending love to you above knowing you are shining down on those you love and miss you so. god bless angel.
Randi-Mark's Mom
Hi sweet angel, I hope you have a wonderful day. Stay close by your loved ones, they need you. Bless you.
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