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Wendy Kevin’s Fiancé
Good when Jesse come to Wisconsin from Texas then go visit Kevin in the mean time stay off my website I opened and pay for
Your Soulmate & Love
Don't worry I don't need your site. Jess and I, and the Grandkids will just go visit him. Much better that way. ❤️❤️
Your Soulmate & Love
Now you know everything!!! now leave me alone! this website anyone that knows about can access it!! ❤️
Your Soulmate & Love
Okay Wendy, you found the video of us together! I was pregnant also, but lost the baby, ur insane stress on him affected me. ❤️
Wendy Kevin’s fiancé
Leave you alone?? Your on my website you crazy insane harassing witch go ahead call the police I would love for them to call me
Wendy KEVIN’S fiancé
Call the cops crazy freak I have proof you and Kevin were not seeing each other your nuts you need help
Your Soulmate & Love
Now leave me alone you insane, vindictive woman. No wonder your first husband left you!! ❤️❤️
Your Soulmate & Love
Do not play with me woman i have had enough of you!. call them i'll file a report against you!! jess saw you the first time!
Your Soulmate & Love
Go ahead Wendy, you start shit with people and act like the victim!! Tell them about the stolen items you sold! I HAVE PROOF! ❤️
Wendy Kevin’s Fiancés
Bella Hernandez AKA Barbara Glowing you are 100% Crazy I called the police on you once and I will do it again for harassment
Your Soulmate & Love
Now stop calling me crazy, you own that title. Kevin I love you babe, always have, always will. Miss you terribly. ❤️❤️
Your Soulmate & Love
So I have no need to slander his name. Linda said she would keep quiet. Why do you think I was invited to Mom house though. ❤️❤️
Your Soulmate & Love
It wasn't the way I was acting either, she could tell by the look in my eyes and asked me. Told me she knew already. ❤️❤️
Your Soulmate & Love
That's why his brother's wife Linda fingered it out at the Viewing/Wake. She could tell in Kevin before he passed!! ❤️❤️
Wendy KEVIN’S fiancé
Kevin I opened and paid 4 this website 4 your memory to live on not 4 your ex crazy girlfriend 2 slander your name love U Kevin
Your Soulmate & Love
Go ahead please, I will talk to them about the items you sold that were not yours. Considered stolen. I have screenshots. ❤️❤️
Wendy Kevin’s fiancé
This is your last warning stay off this website that I paid for or I will call the cops on you barb Hernandez for harassment
Your Soulmate & Love
You've been in my dreams so much. Me and the kids are going to visit you. I still love you babe, never doubt that. ❤️❤️
Your One True Love
And ME jealous of you!!!!! Why bless your crazy little heart, NEVER Wendy!!! Good laugh though, thanks!
Your One True Love
LMAO!!! Keep lying to yourself Wendy, you just can't face the truth. Like I said you FOUND the video. It's okay honey!! ❤️
Wendy KEVIN’S fiancé
Your jealous because you cheated on Kevin he left you and was with me and my daughter wake up crazy lady
Your One True Love
Kevin and I did not live together because he died before he could save enough money to leave you!!!!!! DUH!!! ❤️❤️
Wendy Kevin’s fiancé
If kevin loved you so much why didn’t you and kevin live together??? because he did not love you duh !!!
Wendy Kevin‘s fiancé
You supposedly loved Kevin so much why don’t you open your own memorial site For him
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